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Jardin Buzz

Lobelia cardinalis / Lobélie cardinale / Cardinal Flower

Regular price
$5.00 CAD
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Sale price
$5.00 CAD
Lobelia cardinalis / Lobélie cardinale / Cardinal Flower
H: 120 cm L: 20-30 cm Espacement: 30 cm
Soleil/mi-soleil/ombre - Sun/Part-Sun/Shade
Floraison: rouge, ete Blooms: red, late summer
Indigène du Québec Native 

The brilliant red spires of the Cardinal Flower draw admiration  from neighbours and hummingbirds. The tall red blooms flower for up to a month and are a nectar source for hummingbirds and swallowtail butterflies. Naturally found along river banks and marshes, Lobelia cardinalis grows best in rich soils. Bianual and short lived, but don’t worry because Lobeilia is a prolific self-seeder.  It will replenish itself to form even more fantastic red blossoms!

Les colibris ! Bi-annuel. Indigène

Des graines minuscules! Pas de panique. 

Stratification à froid est nécessaire.

Astuce - utilisez le petit sac avec un peu de sable. Rincez le sac et versez-le sur le sol.A besoin de lumière pour germer.  Tolère l'ombre, aime le sol humide. Planter à 5 cm. 

Tiny seeds! Don't panic. 

Cold stratification needed.

Tip - use the tiny bag with a little bit of sand, and drop of water. Rinse bag out and pour over soil. Needs light to germinate. Tolerates shade, loves moist soil. Transplant at 5 cm. 

approx 300+ seeds