Ode to Asclepias Tuberosa! Butterflyweed Tips & Tricks January 28, 2022Krin Haglund Oh, how I love Butterflyweed! The long blooming, stunning orange of Tuberosa will always be Queen of My Garden Asclepias tuberosa is easy to start from seed but often...
STRATIFICATION FROIDE--3 manières faciles January 12, 2022Krin HaglundPourquoi? La plupart des plantes indigènes ont besoin de l'hiver pour germer. C'est logique, non? Elles vivent ici, avec notre hiver... tout comme nous! Plantation directe en extérieur avant le...
Comment faire un jardin de pollinisateurs ? Les 3 Règles de 3 January 12, 2022Krin Haglund1. Printemps, été et automne Assurez-vous d'un buffet en pleine saison ! Le printemps et l'automne sont vraiment difficiles pour les pollinisateurs à trouver de la nourriture. Assurez-vous d'avoir des...
Make a pollinator garden! Jardin Buzz 3 Rules of 3 January 12, 2022Krin HaglundSpring, Summer & Fall Ensure a full season buffet! Spring and fall are really tough for pollinators to find food. Make sure you have early blooms and late blooms to...
COLD STRATIFICATION - 3 ways January 12, 2022Krin HaglundWhy? Most native plants need winter to germinate. Makes sense, right? They live here, with our winter… just like us! Outdoor Direct Planting - before January 1 Prepare your seed...
Transplanting Milkweed from Mow Zones! Just dig it, people! October 13, 2021Krin HaglundTo those of you interested in pollinator gardens, monarchs and milkweed, I encourage you to transplant milkweed from mow zones. It’s a great way to learn more about asclepias and...