1. Spring, summer and fall
Make sure you have a buffet in full season! Spring and fall are really hard for pollinators to find food. Make sure you have early bloomers and late bloomers to feed the bees and butterflies. Summer is party time for pollinators, so don't hesitate to plant! Try these plants...
In spring: Galanthus nivalis | Galanthus & Aquilegia canadensis | Canadian Columbine
Summer: Rudbekia hirta , Echinacea, Asclepias, Eupatorium, Agastache...
Autumn: Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | New England Aster & Helenium autumnale | Autumnal Helenia
2. Pollen, nectar and host
Native plants provide plenty of pollen (protein) and nectar (calories) specifically for Montreal pollinators. But, many species need "host" plants to give them special nutrition! Monarch caterpillars can only thrive on milkweed (their host)! Make sure you have at least one patch of milkweed and plant as many "host" plants as possible!
3. 3+ plants each
Our pollinators are tiny! By planting 3 of each type of plant in your garden, you save them from spending all their energy looking for their next meal.
Other ways to help pollinators:
Don't use pesticides, leave the land as uncluttered as possible (bees nest there!), favor native plants and get involved to encourage neighbors and create more habitats!