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Jardin Buzz

Swallowtail 5 Star Dill Blend

Regular price
$5.00 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$5.00 CAD

Multiple generations of Swallowtail caterpillars in my garden give this dill blend a 5 star rating! Hopefully, the rave reviews continue in your garden next summer! Plant early so the first generation of swallowtail caterpillars in your area have enough. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, and dill is also delicious for humans and beautiful in garden design.

Pro tips: Save a few seeds in case the first generation of hungry caterpillars decimates the seedlings, or plan for multiple plantings. Also, Swallowtail larva are disguise artists! Be sure to take a look at the first and second instar larval stages, so you know who’s eating your dill! Lastly, I tend to throw a loose cover of plastic squirrel mesh over part of my “dill forrest” to cover caterpillars when they get chubby so they don’t get picked off by birds.

Growing: Scatter on top of soil, no more than 5mm, press gently or water to ensure soil contact. Dill seeds require a little light to germinate!

.5 g / 200 + seeds