Vendor: Jardin Buzz

Shade Garden (9 plants)

Out of stock
Regular price $76.50 CAD Sale price $76.50 CAD

A collection of 9 carefully selected seedlings for the shade garden.
A collection of 9 carefully selected plants seedlings for shade gardens.

Your plants will include an assortment of the following:
Aquilegia canadensis / Canadian Columbine / Wild Columbine
Mertensia Virginica / Virginia Blue Bells - Mertensia / Bells of Virginia
Chelone Obliqua / Turtlehead pink / Chelone obliqua
Penstemon hirsutus / Hairy Beardtongue
Arisaema triphyllum / Jack in the Pulpit
Asarum Canadense / Canada Wild Ginger

Order in April for mid May pick-up or local delivery.

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