Why? Most native plants need winter to germinate. Make sense, right? They live here, with our winter… just like us! 

Outdoor Direct Planting - before January 1

Prepare your seed bed, or containers.

Press seeds gently into soil, ensure contact.

Let nature's freeze and thaw do the work! 

Refrigerator Method - 4+ weeks

Anytime from October to March

Lable a plastic baggie or container.

Add seeds and a little sand or sterile growing mix.

Moisten with a spray of water and seal.

Leave in fridge until you are ready to plant! (min. 4 weeks)

Quick Start Method - 1 week 

oops, it's already spring…

Put labeled bag  or container in the refrigerator for one day.

Then place in the freezer for one day. 

Repeat this for one week, alternating between the freezer and fridge.  That's it!


Plant outdoors in prepared beds or pots. Press gently. Water and keep moist.

Indoors, find a sunny location, place seeds in pots, press gently, keep moist. When they start to sprout, pretend you are the wind, rub your hand over them every time you pass to ensure sturdy stems. Fans work too! 

In general, when seedlings are 5cm tall they can be planted outside, spaced 30 cm apart.

Water well for the first few weeks.

Stay in touch for more information about exuberant pollinator gardens! 

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